Nepal Picture Library (NPL) is a digital photo archive run by that strives to document an inclusive history of the Nepali people by encouraging individuals, families and community organizations to contribute their photographs and stories to the archive. Since its inception in 2011, the archive has collected over 55,000 photographs from different parts of Nepal. In 2017, Nepal Picture Library plans to continue to digitize new material, as well as increase access to its collections by working with schools, museums and the media.

Archiving is slow, labor intensive-work and not profitable by any means. Our scanners run quietly throughout the year. We need two full time staff to keep Nepal Picture Library going.

Please support Nepal Picture Library by purchasing a print or one of our publications. You can also support Nepal Picture Library by making a larger donation of $1000 to become an Annual Patron. Your contributions will go directly towards the salary of two fulltime staff, who will digitalize new material and manage the archive. This year we also hope to set up a research fellowship.

You can buy a print in two ways:
1. Buy it on our website directly through Paypal.
2. Email us to place a 'manual' order and we are happy to deliver your print to you in Kathmandu and pick up payment in cash or check.

To keep up with news from Nepal Picture Library, please like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter @nepalpiclibrary and Instagram @nepalpiclibrary.

Also, please help us spread the word by sharing this link with friends and family. And, if you would like to support through other ways, we are open to ideas! Drop us a line at

Thank you for your continued support and have a wonderful beginning to a brand new year!

The Nepal Picture Library Team
